Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Don't penalize retirees for Hamden's pension short-sightedness

The Town of Hamden’s pension fund has been seriously short-changed over the years, and I find it discouraging and disappointing.
First of all, if past mayors and administrations were required to keep the fund solvent, then it would not be in the situation that it is in now.
Second of all, the fund did not get in trouble overnight, but it was the lack of funds over a period of time that should have sent up a red flag.
Third of all, many people, including the unions, suggested and warned that the pension fund was dwindling and below a safe level.
Fourth of all, it would be unfair, discriminatory and prejudiced to reduce any already retired employees’ benefits to fix this problem, which they did not create in the first place.
Ron Johnson


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