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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Refreshing to see Hobby Lobby closed on Sundays for family

There’s a new store in East Haven called Hobby Lobby that has a sign on their door which states they are closed on Sundays so their employees can spend time with family and have a day of worship; in other words a day of rest. I can’t believe it. I thought I was the only one left on the planet that wouldn’t dream of shopping on a Sunday. How refreshing!
Roseanne Karbowski
North Branford


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure is great that they close on Sundays for families. However according to David Sloan their CEO the government will attempt to close them down. The healthcare mandate calls for them to pay for abortion drugs and they refuse to do so. They will be fined 1.3 million dollars a day by refusing till they pay for these drugs.
When this happens another fine company will be gone thanks to this corrupt administration and Obama the incompetent muslim.

May 24, 2013 at 7:36 AM 

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