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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Sunday, May 26, 2013

U.S. shouldn't intervene in Syria

I have just returned from a three-country speaking tour in Europe. There I watched a CNN report that should shock the world and the people here.
One, a report showed that Al Qaeda had forced the people of a northern Syria town they control to witness the execution of three government officers in the public square. This reminded me of the practice of the Nazis in Europe.
Two, they showed on another report the commander of Al Qaeda troops cutting out the heart of a government soldier and boasting to the correspondent.
Three, the newspapers reported that Al Qaeda was selling oil from three northern Syrian towns they control to finance their operations.
This is the conflict that the 150 CIA representatives are conducting in our name. These many years we invaded Afghanistan because the enemy was Al Qaeda. Polls show that 70 percent of our people are opposed to intervention in Syria. When will the Nobel Peace Prize President Barack Obama listen to the voices of peace-loving American people?
Alfred L. Marder
New Haven


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