Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Why does New Haven Register support First Amendment, but not Second?

The editorial page of the New Haven Register has been beating the drum unrelentingly for the government to drastically curtail the people’s Second Amendment rights, often with demagoguery and rank dismissal of opposing views.
In counterpoint to this is a full page ad by the Connecticut Daily Newspapers Association, of which the Register is a member, declaring in huge print “The Fox Shouldn’t Guard The Hen House.” To what does this refer? Per the ad, “Pending legislation may remove your right to read public notices in the newspapers, moving them to government controlled web sites.”
Clearly the Register only cares about government interference and control when it might affect them and freedom of the press. They apparently care nothing for how much the government infringes on the other domains covered by the Bill of Rights, most prominently the right to bear arms. The Register is hypocritical writ large.
Lance Roderic Hart


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