DeStefano, Malloy and Looney hurt 'legal' taxpayers
There is something inherently wrong with this state and even this country when our “dedicated” representatives find it nearly impossible to pass any bill that would be of benefit to the ordinary tax paying citizen. It seems to be too much to ask. If they are not passing bills that line their pockets,they are pandering to the new/future voting block, the illegal immigrant.
In Connecticut. the charge is led by the three stooges. They are New Haven’s illustrious soon-to-be former mayor, John Destefano Jr., who was not satisfied with giving “illegal”aliens identification cards to make life easier for those who pay no taxes,or with interfering with his police officers sworn to uphold the law of the land when dealing with “illegals.” No-siree-bobby … He finds like minds in two other stooges, Senator Martin Looney and Governor Dannel Malloy, who together push through a bill authorizing the issuance of valid Connecticut driver’s licenses to these “illegal”aliens claiming this somehow will help with fewer unregistered vehicles and non-insured drivers.
One can only wonder what they are smoking. Further, they sponsor and push a bill to give children of “illegal” aliens college aid, paid, of course, by the taxpayers of Connecticut. They call them immigrants and fellow co-workers, but in the end the key word they forget is “illegal.”
Finally now Moe, Larry and Curly have totally crossed the pandering line by passing a bill that limits state and local agencies from holding and/or notifying ICE of these “illegal” aliens unless they are shown to be felons. What is wrong with this picture? This is no way to bring a change in immigration laws. Until these people are taxpaying citizens they are a financial drain on state and local governments. I want to know when our alleged representatives are going to stand up for the rights of legal, tax paying citizens.
Paul Standish
North Branford
In Connecticut. the charge is led by the three stooges. They are New Haven’s illustrious soon-to-be former mayor, John Destefano Jr., who was not satisfied with giving “illegal”aliens identification cards to make life easier for those who pay no taxes,or with interfering with his police officers sworn to uphold the law of the land when dealing with “illegals.” No-siree-bobby … He finds like minds in two other stooges, Senator Martin Looney and Governor Dannel Malloy, who together push through a bill authorizing the issuance of valid Connecticut driver’s licenses to these “illegal”aliens claiming this somehow will help with fewer unregistered vehicles and non-insured drivers.
One can only wonder what they are smoking. Further, they sponsor and push a bill to give children of “illegal” aliens college aid, paid, of course, by the taxpayers of Connecticut. They call them immigrants and fellow co-workers, but in the end the key word they forget is “illegal.”
Finally now Moe, Larry and Curly have totally crossed the pandering line by passing a bill that limits state and local agencies from holding and/or notifying ICE of these “illegal” aliens unless they are shown to be felons. What is wrong with this picture? This is no way to bring a change in immigration laws. Until these people are taxpaying citizens they are a financial drain on state and local governments. I want to know when our alleged representatives are going to stand up for the rights of legal, tax paying citizens.
Paul Standish
North Branford
Couldn't agree with you more Paul. I'm wondering why we even hold elections anymore. It doesn't seem to matter what "WE THE PEOPLE" want and expect. Soon this country will be known as the United States of Mexico.
On this Independence Day, celebrating freedom, choice and giving thanks to those who gave all to create this wonderful country and protect it ever since, it is startingly to also think of these three men - none of who love freedom or personal responsibility. They love nannyism and things illegal and immoral. They love having people be more dependent. They cry over the need for more revenue even as their policies create more welfare, move poverty, more mindless handouts. Collectively, they don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain
this state is doomed as even the people here have been swallowed by the machine (on the dole) or have just given up. many people I know have left already, more are getting their things in order to leave. I tried convincing my wife a few years ago and she was dead set against leaving, now she's starting to look at other places to go. you can never really own anything in this state without the state wanting a piece of your hard work to give to someone else. good luck and god bless us all.
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