Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Give us answers about Lanza's mental health instead of focusing on gun laws

How are we to understand how to prevent atrocities like what happened in Newtown if we don’t know what really happened?
Where did the system fail? Or was this kind of tragedy not preventable? We can’t know that unless we understand what really happened. My issue lies in not releasing the records for Adam Lanza. Did his mother try to get him help? Did the fact that he was over 18 prevent her? Was he on medication? We need to get answers to these questions!
There is an obsession with gun laws. The politicians are looking in the wrong place to find solutions. My concern is how we handle those with mental illness.
As a mother of a schizophrenic, I understand first hand how your hands are tied after they turn 18. Is that what happened here? Was this poor woman living in fear of her son but couldn’t do anything? Did she have those guns to protect herself? We in Connecticut need and deserve the answers to these questions to properly protect citizens.
Susan Gallagher


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