Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Don't make permit process more difficult for law-abiding gun owners

Let’s not blame the hunter, club member, or sportsman who has a permit to own and carry a firearm. In order to obtain a permit there are several background checks, and courses that must be taken, and numerous forms to fill out.
Connecticut is one of the toughest states to secure a permit. Remember the criminal will always get his hands on a weapon one way or another. The “bad” guys don’t have permits, but they all carry. The collector who legally owns and purchases military weapons and uses them at clubs or ranges is not the problem nor is the sportsman who enjoys hunting.
I see no need for assault weapons with 30-round magazines unless you are in combat. Don’t take away the rights from the legitimate gun enthusiasts; go after the criminal and those unable to distinguish between right and wrong.
David Saldibar
 West Haven


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. Your Editorial makes sense and is reasonable.

April 28, 2013 at 4:12 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everyone has their personal opinion which they think is right and should be enforced. I don’t, but some people see a need for 30 round magazines and they think they are right. That is why compromise requires everyone to give up a little. Stronger background checks don’t take anyone’s rights away.
Just going after the criminals and those that don’t know right from wrong, what a great idea; how does that take place will those people just raise their hands and identify themselves? Maybe at airports the FAA should have one line with a sign that says criminals must go this way. That sure would make boarding faster

May 1, 2013 at 8:24 AM 

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