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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Connecticut Republicans who supported gun control are traitors

On April 4, 2013, our legislature passed its own version of knee-jerked gun control statutes, adopted to punish law-abiding gun owners here in Connecticut. Among others, Len Fasano, John McKinney, Larry Cafero and Themis Klarides, leaders of Connecticut's Republican Party, voted in favor of these punitive prohibitions.
In August of 2012, they were all delegates to the Republican National Convention. At which, the national Party platform was adopted. It stated, "We oppose legislation that is intended to restrict our Second Amendment rights by limiting the capacity of clips or magazines or otherwise restoring the ill-considered Clinton gun ban." While these representatives partied in Tampa, none of them opposed the passage of the Party platform.
However, less than a year later, they all betrayed the Republican Party, voting for expanded gun laws of which they have no idea the impact, nor the application, nor would have saved any child in Newtown. Additionally, with no increase in public safety, their expanded gun laws increase state expenditures by about fifty million dollars. They should have voted no. At the very least because emergency certification was not warranted. (By contrast, ask any of these "leaders" to propose that welfare recipients be drug tested and watch as they shake and cower in a far corner.)
After the recent terror acts in Boston, we are told that we should not judge all Muslims based upon the actions of a few. Isn't it time that the millions of gun owners in Connecticut get the same treatment? Apparently, these "representatives" do not think so. Personally, each of them are nice. Most salesmen are. However, they prove that, when the going gets tough, instead of standing for principles, they would rather bask in the progressive fantasy that bad people will actually abide by ridiculous gun control laws. (Not.)
Craig C. Fishbein


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