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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Sunday, May 12, 2013

New Connecticut gun restrictions are unconstitutional, and do little

Some people have written into the paper expressing their relief that the new gun law has banned magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition, or praised other parts of the legislation. While they have every right to hold that opinion, I feel disturbed by the lack of knowledge that citizens have about the very rights they have — as well as the lack of common sense in Hartford.
We should not be asking questions like “Why would you need such-and-such a feature on your gun,” when it is a Constitutional right to bear arms. It should not be about what we need as far as guns go, but what it is our freedom and liberty to choose. No one “needs” a sports car, a swimming pool, or even to be able to sit in the front of a bus, but those are all rights and freedoms we have to choose from as Americans. Our Founding Fathers cannot honestly have meant that it’s alright for citizens to own guns, so long as they don’t have any “evil” features like rifles with sliding stocks or pistol grips, or pistols weighing more than 50 ounces or that have extended magazines. Would Thomas Paine have written about these in “Common Sense?”
These silly ordinances defining what an “assault weapon” is do no good for anyone — they do not keep the streets safer from dangerous criminals (who use illegally-acquired weapons); make it more difficult for honest citizens to arm themselves; and do not even affect how deadly or powerful a weapon would be.
I urge every reader to do some research about what the new laws really mean and really ban. For instance, the new law does nothing to ban fully-automatic weapons of any kind. Find out for yourself what terms like “semi-automatic,” “flash suppressor,” and “magazine” really mean. Read the legislation yourself, or go over it with a lawyer or police officer if you can. We need not just more responsible gun owners in Connecticut, but more informed citizens. Owning a gun is a right we all have; but being an informed citizen is everyone’s responsibility. Don’t let feel-good legislation sway your emotions — get the hard facts about what any bill or law really means, and make up your own mind. With all of this talk about “common sense” laws, I feel it is high time that everyone get some real common sense about what is going on, and not just rely on what we hear!
David Zeppieri


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i cant wait for the police report to come out that shows the shooter in Sandy Hook used more then one firearm and reloaded many, many times. The families of the victims were used and lied to. The police report will prove the AR-15 and one 30 round magazine were not the cause of so many deaths. As long as the legislators continue to take money from the drug companies that pump our children full of ADHD meds and anti depressants, as long as our legislators continue to allow crazy people to walk the streets, Sandy Hook will happen again.
Mental illness, the state not allowing mom to commit her son, and requiring school children to be drugged up zombies caused Sandy Hook.
Wars were fought for centuries before firearms were invented, entire kingdoms were won and lost without firearms. Do you honestly believe if a crazy person can not get his hands on a firearm he will just go sit in the middle of a field and look at the butterflies? He will use a knife, sword, spear, rock, sling shot, catapult, fire, bulldozer, poison, bomb ,or just run the kids over with his car while they wait for the bus.

May 12, 2013 at 12:25 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are 100 percent right

May 13, 2013 at 8:42 PM 

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