Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Cafero betrayed gun owners

I read with interest House Minority Leader Lawrence Cafero’s comments about the chances for the Republican Party in upcoming elections and about his possible run for governor. With all due respect to Minority Leader Cafero, the sportsmen of this state will not forget how he sold us out to the Democrats after the Sandy Hook shooting. The deal he and other Republicans made with the Democrats to curry favor with a small minority of voters, who don’t fully understand the implications of the law, has resulted in Connecticut passing onerous firearms restrictions that will not do anything to protect our children but will make felons out of law-abiding citizens and will cost Connecticut jobs and income. It’s Republicans like Minority Leader Cafero who have caused me to withdraw my support and renounce my affiliation with the Republican party. Connecticut will continue to be a one-party state as long as there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans.
John Aiello


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