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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nancy Lanza was not a victim

My heart goes out to anyone who has a family member dealing with a mental illness. I know firsthand how difficult it is.
Having said that, I must take issue with Rosemary Serfillppi's letter about Nancy Lanza being a victim, for she was not. Her ex-husband gave her an enormous amount of money in their divorce settlement so that she would never have to work another day in her life and be able to afford help for their son.
Yes, she did struggle, but using a gun range as therapy is beyond the scope of common sense. She did not live in isolation and had outside interests with a quiet social life.
I am sure I am not the only person who puts the blame squarely on her for not properly securing her arsenal of weapons knowing full well her son was unstable. She was not a responsible gun owner and gives those that are a bad image.
This may sound harsh, but the truth is Nancy Lanza should never be considered a victim due to her careless actions, which led to the tragedy.
Loretta Edson Parisi
South Meriden


Anonymous David Chesler said...

Most kids come out of firearm training with a better sense of responsibility, better respect for guns, more knowledge about gun safety, and a general demystification.

Adam's most obvious pathology, the one that made him wierd, was Asperger's Syndrome. Aspie's are particular good with complex equipment and encyclopedic data collections. (Not just the difference between a pistol and a revolver, or between full automatic and semi-automatic, but between the different kinds of .22 caliber cartridges and which are good for making holes in paper targets and which are good for shooting rabbits.) Nothing wrong with teaching an Aspie to shoot.

It wasn't Asperger's that made Adam into a mass murderer, but some sort of psychotic breakdown or sociopathic evil. What were the signs Nancy missed that Adam not only had problems with non-verbal communication but also was unstable?

March 27, 2013 at 4:01 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Response with all due respect to David Chesler. I do not know your background, your knowledge of the Lanza family, your expertise on "weird" people with "Aspie" but with the horrific tragedy of events that occured and how could you possibly have knowledge that there was a "psychotic breakdown" or"sociopathic evil" without some confidential clinical evidence. And if you have that evidence, which I very much doubt that you do, your statements would break all HIPPA violations putting yourself at risk for civil liability. But more importantly to dismiss this awful, awful situation as some sort of anomaly or unusual occurrence is totally baseless. The USA has an extraordinarily high rate of mass murders as well as general homicide rates. I pray for the victims of this tragic event daily. I find your comments highly offensive since it is evident you do not grasp the scope of gun violence, reoccurring mass murders in the USA or mental illness and developmental disorders. I hope to god that you are not a firearm safety instructor.

March 29, 2013 at 10:55 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think condemning Nancy Lanza on the basis of hearsay and sensationalized media reports is reckless at best. There was also a father in this picture and it is hard to imagine that he was not aware of whatever situation existed in that house. *If* he knew of questionable behavior that his ex-wife may have exhibited, he was duty bound to do something about it. If he was unaware, that is even more damning, because it smacks of neglect. Clearly, this young man was in desperate need of help. It is easy for us to sit here and pass judgement after the fact. It is too bad that as a society, we don't do more to keep those like Adam Lanza from falling through the cracks to begin with.

March 31, 2013 at 7:07 PM 

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