Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gun owners must do their part to keep us safe

No matter what rights the rest of us have to give up in order to keep society safe, the gun owners think that they should never give up anything. Recent letter writer Donald Kennedy makes my point exactly when he says enforce anything on anybody else but leave him (a gun owner) alone! Why do gun owners think that the Second Amendment allows them to do anything they want without restriction. That IS the problem. Statistics show that you are more likely to be killed by the gun that resides in your home than the one that shows up at your front door, so that is a lame argument also. Worrying about how much money you spend on ammo when most people could eat for a week on what you would waste at a shooting range makes that argument pretty lame also.
Barbara Torino


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