Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Monday, June 10, 2013

Guns, police and liberal bias

It was absolutely precious reading the April 28, 2013, edition of the New Haven Register. The front page article on police brutality was a welcome change from the usual anti-gun bias.
Imagine my delight when I read Thomas DeMatteo’s letter stating how he needs the government to protect him from gun owners. We know the police would never exceed their authority. What happens when the people who are supposed to protect us run amok?
The news is replete with cases of police corruption, brutality and abuse of authority. If I remember correctly, the Gestapo was a very efficient police organization, too.
I realize I must be a liberal. I merely want to exercise my constitutional rights without taking anyone else’s rights away. This is not the case for those on the Left. They have to take something away from me in order to exert their control. The Left may have a lot more in common with the police than I ever thought possible.
Michael J. Tagliatela


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