Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Monday, June 10, 2013

Why not ban pressure cookers in wake of Boston bombing?

It’s clear what we must do. Hold phony public hearings so that the public will think they are being heard. Surround ourselves with families of the victims as props to keep the emotions running high. Then ram through emergency legislation to ban pressure cookers. These evil devices kill people. More pressure cookers equal more deaths. Surely legislated bans will save lives. We owe it to the victims of the Boston bombing to do this. They must not be forgotten. There are many other ways to cook our food so cooks can just use those methods. There is no legitimate reason to have these evil devices in our homes.
Peter Spinner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Parents whose children were killed in Sandy Hook School work to keep other parents from enduring the same pain, therefore by some these parents are politicizing the deaths of their own children.

What do you suggest if a child is killed, the parents suck it up and breed another?
agony of their child being shot to death in school has been killed by a mass shooter, works to keep other parents from enduring the 've

June 10, 2013 at 8:31 PM 

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