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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Saturday, July 13, 2013

East Haven's Republican mayor, Democratic chairman need to go

It can’t possibly be true. Let’s get this straight: 12 years of financial neglect at the Police Department; a hand-picked chief from New Haven who used intimidation as his principal management style; and, a public meltdown during a town crisis that embarrassed East Haven across the country. Now, Mayor Joseph Maturo wants to take credit for following a decree he was forced to accept. It sounds like Mr. Maturo wants us to forget about the origin of the problem. Simply amazing!
Coincidentally, Democratic Town Chairman Gene Ruocco continues to use social media with the same enthusiasm as a teenager to mislead for purposes of political gain. Whatever happened to supporting the men and women of our Police Department? Rather, shouldn’t Mr. Ruocco focus more attention on the financial problems facing his candidate for mayor? East Haven is a proud community. After years of political wrangling, we need both of these men to step aside. Enough is enough! We don’t need continued attacks against our officers and we certainly don’t need to be babysat by an outside entity looking over our shoulder. We need people with integrity to lead the way… our way.
Mia Marchitto
East Haven


Anonymous Anonymous said...

we need new blood in east haven,,not maturo not stacy and not depalma,,no one that is connected to any of the cronnies of this town,,only then will we be able have the town back that we can be proud of

July 15, 2013 at 10:08 PM 

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