Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Animals need special advocates in Connecticut court cases

It was surprising to read your recent editorial slamming Rep Urban’s efforts to help abused animal victims in a better way than just a passing media story. Her proposal for a qualified advocate to represent animals in court on cruelty cases is long overdue and should be applauded, not derided. This chosen advocate would be known to all parties, could take the necessary time to research each individual case, and be available as needed.
Is it really practical to expect veterinarians to serve as legal advocates for animals in court? Should they really be expected to spend time in court defending non-paying clients? Who would repay him or her for lost time at the office and not being available for emergencies? With the recent focus on mental illness and how violence towards people often begins with cruelty towards voiceless animals, we need to see these cases in court. Animals need qualified advocates to represent their interests now more than ever. Thank you, Representative Urban, for a great idea. Obviously, the writer of your editorial has never given or received the affection of a pet animal, or directly witnessed an incident of animal cruelty and its devastating consequences.
Doris Gimbel


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Doris, on this issue and cannot understand why the Register - who publishes article after article about animal abuse would take a negative attitude towards an advocate for the animals in court cases. Your letter makes perfect sense.

May 5, 2013 at 9:33 AM 

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