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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Monday, March 4, 2013

Gun owners won't bend because gun control advocates want total ban

The major rift in gun law thinking is over the subject of banning weapons, not background checks and magazine capacities.
The anti-gunners (e.g. Sarah Brady, Diane Feinstein, Michael Bloomberg) have openly, publicly and repeatedly stated that they would like there to be no guns in America except in the hands of military and police. W
hen they promote bans, the lists of guns to be banned are determined by their own subjective cosmetic criteria. If they don't like the look of a gun, it must be bad. Whatever is in their heads is reality. If people who are determined to ban everything using their own subjective criteria, it won't be long before they determine that more guns are bad and should be added to the list under the name of closing loopholes.
Ban lists are blank checks for the gun haters and therefore their Holy Grail. If they get an inch they will take miles and miles. That is why the term “gun control” is seen by many owners as code. Translation: total gun bans. That is why gun owners are so seemingly intractable and don't want to give even that inch.
Peter Spinner


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why in the discussion of gun control and gun violence there is no mention of GANG VIOLENCE. Gangs are ruining our inner cities and dealing more drugs than CVS and Rite Aid together.
These are the people who are using guns stolen and sold to illegal lawless killers of our young people. Honest gun owners are the ones being targeted by the Law makers with no mention of the real problem GANGS and drug dealers. Lets get real about the problem of illegal possession of guns by low life criminals and leave the vetted and honest gun owners alone. People who legally own guns are being persecuted for no good reason. The lowlifes will still perform their trade and the cities will still be under siege from these hoodlums. When people admit to not going out into the dark at night for fear of being killed or robbed seems to be a red flag to me that here may be a large problem in our inner cities that should be number 1 priority to correct. Yet the law makers turn a blind eye to the real problem and attract the innocent gun owner who needs the weapon to protect themselves from the rampant crime. Remember all the heinous crimes from past years with the home break-ins and single women being raped and murdered then ask yourself where is the real problem and why is it not addressed. And remember if you see something say something. Stop protecting people you know are performing illegal activities, if you keep silent you are just as guilty.

March 4, 2013 at 9:47 AM 

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