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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hold President Obama accountable as a failed CEO

A Forbes survey in 2011, asked people who they believed is the most responsible for a company’s impact on society, the environment, and the larger community. The results revealed that over 70 percent felt that CEOs held a high level of responsibility.
So, why do the American people not hold President Barack Obama responsible for the criminal actions and scandals that have rocked his administration? President Obama is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the federal government. He is responsible for what happens while he is running his administration. Why do we hold people in the private sector at a higher standard than we hold our President? People hold judges and law enforcement to a higher standard, so why not President Obama? What is it that President Obama has that allows him to not to be held responsible for the illegal and unethical acts? Why are the people so forgiving of President Obama; yet, when President Nixon did lesser crimes they demanded his impeachment? What reason do you believe President Obama is not being held responsible?
Ssg. Wynn S. Allen, USA (Ret.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very simple he is a black muslim and as such anyone criticizing him is a racist.

June 18, 2013 at 7:58 AM 

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