Blogs > New Haven Register Letters to the Editor

Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Enjoyed John Lampe's 'Young Frankenstein' in Clinton

The Connecticut shoreline is filled with wonderful resources, views, foods and culture. One spectacular feature are the dramatic productions of the Clinton Park and Rec playhouse under the direction of Mr John Lampe. His most recent production was the musical version of “Young Frankenstein.” The production was a joy with ordinary folks singing and acting as good as what you’d see at Long Wharf Theatre or the Yale Dramat.
I have seen several of Lampe’s works in Clinton and he is a theatre wizard. If you want to see personal transformations of people like you and me. Please go to see ANY production directed my Mr. Lampe. He’s gifted ... so are the players.
James Monahan


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