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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Friday, February 22, 2013

Malloy's politics will hit taxpayers again

Sir, why should we be surprised that Governor Malloy is not letting the energy tax sunset  as originally planned?  After all he is a “slick politician” that states one thing and does another with the help of both houses.
Not letting the tax expire is a tax increase no matter how one states it!
The ECS increases are another “sleight of hand” by this budget. The funds are coming from elimination of other municipal aid supposedly to be funneled into education. BUT how are they not required to spend it on education? The municipal governments will just shift funds back to the municipal side of the budget, something that Benjamin Barnes knows they will do.  He admitted that the governor wants to shift state aid to towns and cities from operating funds to the schools.  Another “sleight of hand” with the same dollars that they will have to either reduce school budgets or increase taxes on the hard-working taxpayers. 
Another gimmick is borrowing $900 million more or less to “state” the budget is balanced. It is my understanding we have the second highest borrowing ratio to taxpayer in the country. When does this end? Our own fiscal implosion is almost here!
William C. Nimons


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