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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Connecticut legislators ignore public will over immigrant driver's licenses

Someone should explain to our legislature exactly what their job description is. You are there to represent the people that put you in office and to vote the way they want you to vote and not what you think is best for them. When is the last time you heard a politician say, this is what I believe but the people I represent believe something different so that’s how I will vote? I know the next time I hear will be the first time.
Polls show that more than 65 percent of the people in this state don’t think giving driver's licenses to people that are here illegally is a good idea. But politicians believe they know better. Nobody believes these people are going to buy insurance or pay for car registrations. You don’t really have to since we don’t have a tag anymore that says our registration is up-to-date. So as long as you obey the laws, you will never get stopped. We are suppose to feel sorry for the woman driving around who doesn’t have a drivers license, and by the way, where did the license plate come from? Off the wall of some grocery store perhaps? You think cops will stop anyone after what you put East Haven through? There should have never been a problem with people hiding in the shadows because if you people in government just did your jobs, people would not be here illegally. The people I feel sorry are the ones that came in the right way and did the hard work because they want to be Americans, this is just a slap in their face. We all know what this is all about in the end, votes. That’s the next step! You think we are all stupid and maybe you are right.
I was born in this country, but I am sure somewhere in my family’s history someone worked hard to make this country what it is today. Despite all our flaws, we are the greatest nation and people should have to do some hard work to reap the benefits that our forefathers fought so hard for. People should want to come here to be true Americans and come in the right way and not the lazy way.
Tom Conroy
West Haven


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe when the fools that voted in these egotistical incompetent legislatures find that these ILLEGALS with drivers licenses are still not insured after they have an accident they will be sorry.

OOPS never happens since all these dummies that keep voting in these sleazes will still vote them into office in CT.

June 16, 2013 at 9:33 AM 
Anonymous Paul Diglio said...

FYI, police cars now have cameras mounted on the trunk. These cameras can read license plates and verify if the registration and insurance is current.

While I do not agree with giving licenses to illegal aliens, at least if they have a valid license they can at buy insurance if they have a mind to. Without a valid license they cannot.

Hopefully that is what the legislation hoped to accomplish, I suspect that their real motive was to 'capture' the Hispanic vote.

The vast majority of our elected leaders are self serving.

June 16, 2013 at 10:56 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's amazing how the majority of fools in CT. keep voting in bigger FOOLS.

June 17, 2013 at 7:31 AM 

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