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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Public opinion stands against immigration reform

I would hope that Governor Malloy, Michael Lawlor and Mayor DeStefano read the Sound Off comments in Thursday, Feb. 28, edition of the New Haven Register.
Of the 32 opinions, 28 had a negative reaction to reforming U.S. immigration laws, the consensus being, enforce our present laws and not change them to benefit illegal immigrants and their outspoken advocates.
It was evident to me that the majority of the people represented by the aforementioned politicians, don’t agree with their ideas or policies regarding illegal immigrants.
By not seeking to strengthen and enforce our existing laws, they show no regard or respect for the opinions of us citizens.
The prime example for not changing our immigration laws is Jose Marie Islas. Michael Lawlor claims Islas is not a bad person because although in 2005, he illegally entered the country and was deported multiple times, he is not a violent offender and should not be deported. So he knowingly and repeatedly snubbed our laws, but since he hasn’t committed a felony yet, let’s let him stay.
Mr. Lawlor, don’t insult us by using Mr. Islas case for fighting deportation. We are just not that gullible or stupid.
ICE spokesman Ross Feinstein states in 2012, 225,390 illegal immigrants were deported. 1,215 for homicides; 5,557 for sexual offenses, 40,448 for drug offenses, 36,166 for driving under the influence. With these statistics, why would anybody want to make it easier for illegal immigrants to enter and remain in our country?
God bless America. And may our politicians remember who they are representing. Their policies should reflect the wishes of us citizens and not the demands of illegal immigrants and their supporters.
Anthony P. Esposito Sr.
New Haven


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great Job, I can't believe the register posted it.

March 6, 2013 at 7:46 AM 

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