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Letters to the editor of the New Haven Register, New Haven, Connecticut, Email to

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bigger public safety issues in Connecticut than immigrant driver's licenses

State Representative Juan Candelaria, D-New Haven, and other state representatives indicate giving undocumented immigrants the ability to obtain a state driver’s license is in the interest of public safety. As a result the House quickly passed his bill. Why did this bill have to pass so quickly and without giving the Republicans a seat at the table? Is this bill politically motivated and the Democratic party only after votes? There were calls by others to more closely study this bill. Certainly there are a lot more important public safety issues out there than quickly passing this license bill, such as, going after the illegal dirt bikes, enforcing more stringently the right turn on red law, just to name a few.
Two items that are in Rep. Candelaria’s bill are a 3-year license and having a signed form stating the undocumented person would seek the path to citizenship. What may be better and more agreeable to all who support undocumented immigrants becoming citizens is a one year license. At that renewal time if the person could not show proof that they are on the path to seek citizenship then the license can not be renewed. If they show proof that they are truly on the path to becoming citizens, then the license is renewed for one more year only. If after two years an undocumented immigrant cannot obtain United States citizenship, then they are here for whatever freebees they can get from the town, city and state governments.
Dennis N. Silvestri
New Haven


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