I am done prefacing each pro-Second Amendment conversation with a statement that I share in the sadness of the Sandy Hook massacre. I am a human being; of course I am saddened and have empathy for those who lost loved ones and witnessed, at any level, this carnage. My love of country and defense of our Constitutional rights does not mean I am cold and unfeeling to loss.
I am angry. I am angry with elected officials on both a state and a federal level for exploiting this tragedy. These stricken families are being used as a means to an end. Gun control has been a goal of the liberals for many years. In Connecticut, politicians have already acknowledged that this newly passed gun legislation will not prevent another massacre, will not reduce crime. However, some are still giddy with excitement, having killed two birds with one stone (pun intended). On the one hand, they passed "feel good" legislation – answering the battle cry to "DO SOMETHING," pacifying the stricken and the gun grabbers. On the other hand, they have managed a foot in the door on gun control.
If this were truly about preventing the violence we see every day there would be an acknowledgement that the cause is societal decay. A poisonous plant must be pulled out at the root, not snipped at the top. No, there will be no acknowledgement, no discussion; it does not fit the ideology. Why did it take the slaughter of children in a predominantly white middle class suburb to spur such a passion for change? Why no outrage over the poor, the minorities in our inner cities that are placed in body bags on a daily basis? Could it be that some of our politicians and our very first mulatto president are racists? Why is Sandy Hook the poster child for gun control? Is one class of people considered superior to others?
Dan Malloy spoke truth – no firearms confiscation – this year, that is. During the Senate debate on April 3 it was clearly stated that confiscation would be the thrust for next year. Bill 1160 is just the beginning. And, in Washington, the cries to follow Connecticut’s example are at fever pitch.
Wake up, America. We must view the second amendment as the keystone to an arch. Without the keystone, the arch collapses. Every bit of our Constitution deserves our defense and protection, however, without the second amendment (the keystone), we are powerless to defend the rest of Her against any enemy, foreign or domestic. This is absolutely the method of last resort. By the authority of our Constitution this right must not be infringed. The second amendment is about parity with the government. It is about self-defense, it is NOT about hunting. It is checkmate.
History does repeat itself. Herewith are quotes from our Declaration of Independence, directed toward the King of Great Britain, followed by today’s transgressions akin to those our Founders suffered:
“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.” The NEA, EPA, DHS, FDA and TSA.
“He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.” Drones monitoring the activities of American citizens.
“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation” Ceding our sovereignty to the United Nations.
“For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent” Obamacare.
The liberals have been whittling away at our rights for years, many are the reasons we have allowed this to continue unchecked and that stops now. Patriots are taking action. We still believe in our nation, in American exceptionalism and our God given right to "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness" as the individual, not the government, defines it. We intend to restore America to her full glory as envisioned and sustained by our forefathers.
Any politician that does not uphold the oath of office had better start dusting off their resume, you know who you are; you will be job hunting.
Linda Czaplinski